
Hernia Surgery Specialist

Ambulatory Surgery Center in Valley, AL

Hernia Surgery

Hernias are common, and while they won’t always threaten your health, it’s essential to have a hernia checked and treated as needed. The team at EAMC-Lanier Ambulatory Surgery Center, LLC, in Valley, Alabama, offers top-quality abdominal surgery techniques to repair hernias and prevent further damage. Call or click online today to begin the process, and be confident in choosing an excellent surgical team for your needs. 

Hernia Surgery Q & A

What is a hernia?

The trunk of your body is an incredibly efficient and effective collection of organs, blood vessels, connective tissues, and more. These components are held closely together by a layer of tough connective tissue called fascia. 

A hernia develops when a portion of an organ or a section of fatty tissue begins to push or bulge through a section of the fascia that has weakened. Some of the more common types of hernias include:

  • Inguinal (inner groin)
  • Femoral (outer groin)
  • Incisional (resulting from an incision)
  • Hiatal (upper stomach)
  • Umbilical (belly button)

A hernia can involve a very small area of tissue or a larger section of an organ or other tissue. Some hernias develop slowly over time, while others occur as a direct result of an action. Many people are unaware they have a hernia until symptoms arise. 

What are some signs I might have a hernia?

All hernias occur due to a combination of pressure and an area of weakness in the muscle or facial tissue. In some cases, the hernia will create a visible bulge that you can see and feel. 

Additional signs that you might have a hernia include:

  • Heartburn
  • Sensation of pressure in your groin or abdomen
  • Persistent cough
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Shooting pains

If you experience persistent mild symptoms or notice significant pain, schedule a diagnostic evaluation right away. Your physician can determine if you have a hernia using a physical exam, ultrasound imaging, or specialized X-rays.  

What happens during hernia surgery?

There are several different surgical approaches to treat hernias. Your surgeon will discuss which options are best for you during your initial visit. 

Open hernia surgery

This approach uses an incision in the area of focus. Once your surgeon accesses the hernia, the bulging tissue is pushed back into the abdominal cavity before stitching the fascia above the hernia back together. In some cases, synthetic mesh strengthens the area. 

Laparoscopic surgery

This approach uses a thin telescope-like instrument inserted through a small incision. The laparoscope is equipped with a tiny light and camera, and carbon dioxide gas is introduced to inflate the area and improve visibility. Surgical mesh strengthens the weakened section of abdominal tissue. 

Robotic surgery

Robotic surgery works the same as laparoscopic surgery, except your surgeon is seated at a special console to control a robotic surgical device that performs delicate movements. Robotic surgical arms can achieve a degree of precision and flexibility unmatched by human hands. Your doctor remains in complete control, using the robotic tools as they would any of their other surgical equipment.

If you have additional questions about hernia surgery and what to expect, call EAMC-Lanier Ambulatory Surgery Center, LLC, today to schedule a visit or book using the easy online tool. 


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