
Rotator Cuff Specialist

Ambulatory Surgery Center in Valley, AL

Rotator Cuff

Rotator cuff procedures are among the most common surgeries performed by the team at EAMC-Lanier Ambulatory Surgery Center, LLC, in Valley, Alabama. If you learn you need surgical repair of your rotator cuff, you don’t have to feel anxious. In the hands of a skilled surgeon, these procedures can relieve pain and restore healthy joint function. Booking a visit takes just moments online or by phone, so don’t delay. 

Rotator Cuff Q & A

What is my rotator cuff?

Your rotator cuff is a network of muscles and tendons that hold the ball portion of your humerus (upper arm bone) into your shoulder socket. It also allows you to move your arm up and down and rotate it. 

You may not spend much time thinking about all of the roles your shoulders play in daily life, but when a problem arises in this area of your body, you’ll likely struggle to think of anything else. A rotator cuff tear can happen from normal wear and tear, although people who work in professions like painting or engage in sports like swimming or baseball are at greater risk.

Tendinitis and bursitis are common shoulder injuries that can cause significant shoulder pain. Unlike a rotator cuff tear, however, these issues will usually heal after a period of self-care.

How do I know if I need rotator cuff surgery?

Minimal rotator cuff damage can sometimes heal without surgical intervention. However, if there is extensive damage, you may need surgery to restore pain-free joint function. 

If any of the following apply, you may be a good candidate for rotator cuff surgery:

  • Pain or limited joint movement for 6-12 months
  • Large tear of your rotator cuff muscle tissue
  • Significant weakness and loss of function in your shoulder
  • Damage caused by a recent, acute injury

Your specialist will perform a physical exam, discuss your symptoms, and perform advanced imaging to assess the extent of damage and determine whether rotator cuff surgical repair is the best option. 

What happens during rotator cuff surgery?

There are multiple ways to approach rotator cuff surgery. The right method for you depends on the extent of the damage and your overall health. You’ll learn details about all of the options before making a decision. 

Some rotator cuff damage can only be repaired through open surgery. This approach requires an incision that can extend several centimeters and temporary detachment of your shoulder muscles to gain access to the surgical site. 

During open surgery, your practitioner might remove bone spurs or perform a tendon transfer, in addition to suturing torn muscle tissue. 

When possible, arthroscopic shoulder surgery is the preferred approach for rotator cuff repair. This technique uses only a few small incisions, one of which allows a special camera and light to enter the joint and display images on an external screen. 

Surgical tools are inserted into the other incisions to repair damaged tissue. This approach requires less tissue disruption and reduces bleeding in the shoulder. The healing process is also usually swifter than open surgical procedures. 

If you’re ready to explore rotator cuff surgery in more depth and achieve relief from shoulder pain, scheduling a visit is as simple as a phone call or a few moments online.